How to Get Someone’s IP from Discord

Have you ever heard about the tight security of Discord? Do you know you can access other devices using your Discord? You can do it once you have the IP address of the device you want to access. You can get this IP address via your Discord server. You will be curious to know “How to get someone’s IP from Discord?

This guide will show few effective methods to get an IP address of a device through Discord. You can apply them either to access someone’s device or make your security way more robust than others. It’s up to you!

You may think that what actually a Discord is!


Discord is software that you can use to chat. It is like Skype and TeamSpeak. In contrast, Discord is good to use because it is free of ads. Anyone can start a chat with anyone free of cost by creating a server in Discord.


The best use of Discord is to use it for social purposes only. It is a famous platform among Gamers because they use it to create servers for their streams and gameplays. You can also find someone’s IP address through it, but it is not ethical until the user allows you to do it.

Do you have an idea about the IP address? Let’s learn about it first before digging deeper into the How-to part of this guide.

What is an IP Address?

An IP address is short for “Internet Protocol”. It is a specific and unique address of a device used to identify it over a network or internet. By knowing the device’s IP address, a digital attacker can access that device and know what is inside. So, it is necessary to protect the IP address.

You can protect your device’s IP address if you know how to get someone’s IP from Discord. Then you can immune your device against such practices. Let’s learn about it.

How to Get Someone’s IP from Discord?

It is impossible to get someone’s IP address directly. To get the IP address of someone, you have to take him or her to third-party software to record his/her IP address. That third-party software shows you the recorded IP address.

People get IP addresses by sending fake links to them. After accessing those links, their IP addresses get recorded at the website in the visit log. These links are sent over through multiple social media platforms, including Discord, WhatsApp, Snapchat, etc.

You can use one of these methods to get someone’s IP address:

1. Through Your Website’s Links:

This is the answer to “how to find someone’s IP address on discord”. If you have a website, you can quickly get the IP address of someone once they visit your website.

How it’s done?

This is a simple method. The steps are:

  • Create the content on your website
  • Share the link of that through Discord
  • Check the Visit Log of your website


You will see the details, including the IP address of the visitors.

Good for?

It is a reliable and easy method. If you own a website, it is easy for you to get someone’s IP address. The other essential requirement is the user’s visit or clicks visitor to get the IP address. This can be made easy if you have accessed him through Discord.

2. Through Short Links:

The best possible method to get someone’s IP address is through short links. You may think, why short? It is due to the effective statistics of the short URL makers. It is designed so to help you know about every detail of the user who clicks on the link.

How to use it?

This involves few easy steps:

  • Search for an exciting content
  • Copy its link
  • Search for a good link shorter website
  • Paste your copied link there
  • Share the generated short link through Discord
  • Check the statistics of the visitors along with their IP addresses.

Good for:

This method is excellent and effective for those who lack a personal website. You don’t need any website. You can easily get someone’s IP address once they visit your website.

Is it possible to get IP via other methods?

No, it is not. Discord has officially claimed in a tweet that no one can get someone’s IP address through Discord. People try different methods that include the use of various software and tools, but all of them are useless. They are risky to use due to malicious content. Therefore, it is better to avoid using that.

One of them is Discord IP Resolver. It is a tool that claims to analyze the IP addresses, but it is false. Other is Wireshark which is a network protocol analyzer. Wireshark is considered for this task, but it is also of no value.

Can you Get someone’s IP from discord?

It is impossible to get someone’s IP address directly. To get the IP address of someone, you have to take him or her to third-party software to record his/her IP address. That third-party software shows you the recorded IP address.


After you know these methods, you need to consider few measures. Although the website is safe, you need not click on links to unauthorized websites. Who knows if it is a trap for your IP address that can make you lose important data? So, stay proactive to be safe.

Also, use your social media carefully. Stay away from unknown people in Discord. You should neither send a request for a server nor accept one yourself from an unknown person.

Don’t ever use other methods. It may cost you some severe defects in your computer system. But you can use VPN while accessing another unknown website. A VPN helps you hide your IP address.

Never use someone’s IP address the wrong way. You need to apply these methods for the surety of your security and not for the uncovering of other’s privacy.

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